Thursday 8 October 2015

It took eighteen radio seconds to introduce an interpretation of an unquoted comment. This was followed by one minute and eighteen seconds of statement of artistic intent presented in defence against a perceived criticism.
The five minutes and forty-six seconds of outburst that followed what would have been a reasonable conclusion of the matter was unexpected and illuminating.
Four times as long as had been taken to deal calmly with the offence taken at the comment was spent in vilifying the birth gender of the commenter.
It was this broadcast that inspired me to discover the word "misandry" to be the correct term for man-hating.
I argue for equality. I do it openly, publicly and, sometimes poetically, in performance, too.
I am happy to speak out of turn from time to time, to say things that challenge accepted or fashionable wisdoms, and I am happy to take the flak for my words and deeds.
I believe everyone else should have the same freedoms of speech and take the same personal responsibility for their words and deeds, too.
However uncomfortable they might be for the unidentified party who made the offending comment, the first 96 seconds of the broadcast piece were not unreasonable.
342 seconds later I had made the sad decision to stop wearing my newest tshirts because I would be undermining my own credibility as an egalitarian were I to continue to promote the source of this broadcast.
I realise this counts as a First World Problem but that happens to be where I live. I realise, too, that some people might think my attitude petty but they are not Po.
I'll keep doing my music show because it is fun but Show 08 and beyond will be hosted on my own Spreaker channel.
That way, if you don't leap up from the sofa immediately my show ends you won't be risking an earful of abuse for having been born the way you were you'll just get some more music.

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